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Superhuman - Hands ((Vinyl))


Superhuman - Hands ((Vinyl))

$ 15.02 $ 16.98

The members of Brooklyn's Superhuman Happiness have a collective r?sum? between them that would stun even the most casual observer of the music scene from the early 2000s on. Made up of deftly talented working musicians, members have added to the performances or recordings of everyone from Antibalas to Iron & Wine, not to mention collaborating with the Kronos Quartet on scoring an Academy-Award nominated documentary film. On their second full-length, Hands (an album that comes after years of legendary Brooklyn performances, national tours, and scads of lesser releases), the band focuses on celebratory sounds and rhythmic dance atmospheres, putting the "arty" back in party with obtuse math rock riffing and lush horn sections. ~ Fred Thomas
  • RSD Date: n/a
  • RSD Release Date: n/a
  • Genre: Rock