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The Saint James Society
The Saint James Society - Bab(a/y)lon Rising ((Vinyl))
Vinyl LP pressing. Austin, TX psych rock gang The Saint James Society plays electrifying rock music that brilliantly connects the dots between†dark 60s blues-based garage rock and early 80s post punk resulting in a hypnotically powerful sound the fabulous four-piece calls 'Pentecostal†Desert Glam.' TSJS's full length†debut the mystically-titled Bab(a/y)lon Rising pulses through the speakers like punk rock gypsies on a rampage,†perfectly capturing the band's apocalyptic†nomad-rock as it drips with dark fuzz and acid drone that will surely find favor with restless sinners†everywhere. Equal parts style and sound, The Saint James†Society blends sex, rebellion and mysticism with a fascination for western mystic†traditions and secret societies, creating modern music that aims to awaken†something deep and wonderfully dangerous within the listener. It has†been said that The Saint James Society sounds as good as any band on the planet at full†volume, a point to which the band's bustling fan network†of artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, photographers, creeps and thieves would most assuredly†agree. When the heavy swagger of†vocalist/bassist Brandon Burkart and golden guitars of Dahveed Dubois align with the band's heavy-footed rhythms, ticking-time-bomb beat and†stunning twin vocal tandem of rebel queens Elza Burkart and Candice Bertalan, the resulting musical statement mainlines the thrill of†defiance†straight to the listener's heart. Fire up Bab(a/y)lon Rising and find out for yourself what the buzz is all about; you just might discover your new†favorite†band.
- Internal ID: JITRE
- Format Detail: LP
- Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
- Genre: Rock