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Aidan Knight
Aidan Knight - Versicolour ((CD))
Until now, if the name Aidan Knight sounded familiar, it√í¬¢√¢‚¨a¬¨√¢‚¨~¬¢s likely because of his numerous backing contributions to bands in the Victoria/Vancouver music scene. But take a few listens to his debut Versicolour and it√í¬¢√¢‚¨a¬¨√¢‚¨~¬¢s hard to imagine Knight backing up any musician other than himself. A mix of folk and acoustic pop, Versicolour moves through many different moods. Some songs are light, others are dark and often they√í¬¢√¢‚¨a¬¨√¢‚¨~¬¢re both. Knight shows that it√í¬¢√¢‚¨a¬¨√¢‚¨~¬¢s possible to craft songs that are dense without being overwhelming and sparse without being boring. Versicolour is a collection of beautiful songs from a promising new artist.
- Format Detail: CD
- Internal ID: JITRE
- Internal ID: JITRE
- Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
- Released: 3/2/10
- Format Detail: CD
- Genre: Indie & Alternative
- Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
- Format: CD
- Genre: Indie & Alternative